Friday, October 19, 2012


It's finally here!! my wigs!! but my costume is not complete! XP! And it's only a few weeks till AFA 12!! 1st week of school since the hols, and homework after homework has been placed on my shoulders... homework spam!! Now I'm just waiting for the briefing for my SW module to commence... after that, it's CCA time... UGH! can't believe we actually had to spend 6 freaking hours doing shit.. T.T

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hey! long time no update... its hecktic again.... finally in poly, but... now i have even more assignments than last time... i just wanna collapse now... T.T now all i can think of is draw, draw, draw, design, draw, animate, write story, write script, english, draw, presentation... UGH!!! and i STILL have piano and Jap ... and jap exam is in 3-4 wks time... stress....