Friday, May 10, 2013

another weird dream!

Okay..I had another weird dream this morning again... this time, I'm at home at night, and there was a cosplay competition going on at the event area right below my window, and followed by it was a matsuri festival.

Then, there was a performance of a japanese punk rock duo band. At first, they started out playing at the stage downstairs, but they somehow ended up at my door. so my reaction was like oh my gawd! they're right outside my door! And my mum was like open the door then! and I did! after grabbing my phone off the counter that is, i watched as the finished up their performance and soon almost everyone from our my block came down to watch them. funny thing is, everyone was sort of speaking japanese as well, and most of them aren't really my neighbors in real life!

I was so excited bout the band, and whipped out my phone and started taking photos. and the duo just started posing! after a few photos, some good and some bad due to my phones accessory blocking the camera lens, I asked them in fluent japanese if I could take a picture with them, and they agreed whole heartedly. so, I walked over to them as they sat down on the floor, (not sure why) leaving some room in between them for me to squeeze in. I kneeled between them, and it was a tight fit. where I could fit in comfortably but yet we would be touching. and they didn't even move to make more space. So, after I settled between them, I look around to see if anyone would help me take the picture, to find that everyone had also taken a seat on the ground. I asked in Japanese (it sounded weirdly) if anyone would help us take the photo and i had to ask twice before someone volunteered. and when the person volunteered I called them a good kid in japanese, even though the person was older than me, and everyone giggled. Even the two idols! So we posed for the camera, cool poses and most of them with the two idols holding onto me. Then... the dream ended...

Another funny thing is that, during this whole process, when I noticed the festival, i wanted to call my long time best friend if she wanted to come with me, and was contemplating on calling her, when i received watsapp messages from my Higher nitec friends saying something about either they were in paris, or planning to go to paris... so I ignored their message and thought to myself, would my BFF still be in singapore? Would she have gone to paris to study already? Then I remembered, she wasn't going to paris to study, it was to England! but I called her up anyway, and apparently she was still in singapore! so I asked her if she wanted to go to the festival, and when she asked my where it was, i told her it was right below our block, then I realized that she lived about 5 lanes away from me, and not in the same block as me. Then I discovered the band in front of my house...

Weird huh!?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

weird dream pt2

Ok... I think i remember my second dream... If I'm right, it's about my dollfies... I think in the dream, my biggest doll, Rone, who is supposed to be the height of my torso, grew bigger and actually became the size of my whole body, and he became real and started hugging me... weird right?

weird dream

Had 2 weird dreams last night...
First, was that I was on a plane that looked more like a museum, and iron mans tony stark was my tour guide, bringing us around proving scientific theories, then something happend and I have to take control and save us from the enemy using the same plane which actually had a research facility and all the researchers were retired military personnel... so I equipped myself with my cargo pants and timberland combat boots and led the whole operation...

and... the second one... well, while typing the first one, I forgot... I'll update if I remember it... XP