Friday, October 5, 2007


Omg! exams are finally soon to be over!! AND! I"M HOOKED ON CCS AGAIN!!! SYAORAN!!! soooo HOT!!! i'm obsessing over hm again.... ony diff is that now... i like Touya too.... Man... just found out the voice actor for the jap version 4 him is the exact ame as shuichi from Gravi... sighs... oh... i slept at 4 a.m for the 1st time... which is actually no big deal seeing that i didn't sleep at all for two days straight not long ago...

Syaoran!!!! Omg.... *DROPS DEAD...* OKAY! last but not least... i was reading a fanfic just now and the authour wrote this poem and i thought it was nice... here it is.:

Your lips remind me of roses in bloom, soft and inviting.
Your eyes remind me of a rare jewel, just waiting to be discovered.
Your scent reminds me of a freshly baked treat, wanting to be devoured.
Your essence reminds me of an angel, pure and untainted.
Your innocence reminds me of a child, young and untouched.
Your love reminds me of who I am, a real man.
Your touch reminds me of what I am, a real man in love.
Your voice reminds me of where I am, a real man in love housed in your arms.
You remind me of something I can’t explain.
You remind me of how much I need you.

SWEET AIN'T IT? anyways gotta go... i've got some poems i wrote but i don't think it's all that good but i'll post it anyways..

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