Sunday, December 30, 2007


Yo! I have finally posted my Fanfics and there are two. Yippie!! The 1st one is called Tysons firsts. Warning: Do not read if you are under 16 - Those who mature faster- or 18. Oh yeah. do not diss my work. here's the first 1

And... The second one is rated teen so anyone can read it.

Both are complete and completely mine. so read if you please.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nyaa!!! Christmas is coming and a new year starts... Sob...

The year pass so fast... it was like only yeaterday that i was in sec4 now, results are out and now i'm advancing to a new school... sad... my beloved frenz... I hope i get into the same sch as you guys.... hey remember in my last post, i said something bout my trip to jap, yeah... i forgot to mention that i nearly got drunk... NEARLY.... i went to the asahi beer factory and we had beer tasting and i drank one and a half cups and then, i stood to get to the bus, boom! i got dizzy... sort of... and i knew i was drunk... i told my mum and she said.. I told you not to right never listen...

well GTG bb...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yo! Yo!

hey peeps!!! I'm back from japan!!! I got some really nice pics too... It was really nice there nice and cooling... down part was the plane ride... got sick... Ugh... any way... I bought quite a few stuff... I got a yaoi comic there too... and it was hentai I wonder why I always buy a hentai comic everytime I go there... the last time too... sigh... not that i'm complaining... I wish I could have been born there... so nice.... But, I was born a singaporean so I gotta live wit it my whole life... oh well... oh yeah... advice for girls who like jap guys... don't marry them... you'll only end up in hell... well I gotta go... I'll post the pics I took another time... Bye Bye!!

Live and Let Die...
May U Poor Souls Find Paradise...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge... Not!

Three cheers yes and Three sobs too...
My birthday's coming and i'm going to Japan on that very morning. But i'm also sad cos MCR (my chemical romance) is performing on my birthday... but it's at night... and it's my fav band too... T_T *Sob* and worst thing is... I don't get to have a B-day party.... AND I'M TURNING 16!!! sad... any way... i've made a g-mail account... so if anyone wants to add me, go right ahead... my acc is the same as my blog... only with a behind... well... signing off and going off to cry all by myself in the corner... T_T... *sob... no one remembers my birthday...sob...*

Bye Bye.... T_T...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Okay... new link see if this works... if it dosen't tell me... i'll try to figure it out...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Yo! prom nite has officially ended!!! to view the photos I've taken, go here... if there is a prob... tell me...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sasuke!! Chibiness!! Fansart

Hey... I just found some pics of Sasuke and they're fanarts... it's really something... considering the fact that they had to change Heartless Sasuke expression into absolute adorable you have to hug him look. These are a few pics... if you want to see the rest, tell me...

Ermm... Whoops... I got carried away... all of them are here... though i added some of naruto too... and there are some more nice pics... but noy chibi.... oh well... steal if you must...

Nyaa!! Sasunaru!

Yo! yo! just finished a new Yaoi fic!! hoosha!!! it's a beyblade fic feat. non other than the Tyson Kinomiya and Kai Hiwatari! The cutest couple in town... well... in Yaoi fangirls town maybe... ANYWAY... The story'll be up real soon.... just for precautionary measures, it has been rated M18 just to be safe... and... Next up! Naruto is so cool....!!! Next story I'll be working on is a Sasunaru fic... (Sasuke and Naruto pairing) But for now... I'm working on another TyKai fic... I'm in the middle of a writers block... NOOOO!!!! SAD! Oh well... See ya real soon!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Here are the pics... they're a bit blur though...

Wohoo!! My D.I.Y Nails...

Does anyone feel that sylvia is like a ghost??

Whoops... a bit blur and double visioned but here they are... playing pool...

Another 1 looking blur... here is hui min looking like she is the judge for some competition or something...

Nyaaa..... Gotta go... but b sure to check my updates ... Nyaa...


Yeah!!! Last day of school yesterday!!! i didn't have time to update yesterday so now I'm updating it... *Sigh* I'm gonna miss this school... NOT!!! so happy that we're finally out man!! though truthfully, i will miss some food from the canteen... cos our paper ended at 3 p.m. me and a few of my friends... mainly Hui min Angela and Sylvia, went out 4 graduation dinner... STEAMBOAT!!! we ate like nobodies business.couldn't care less had loads of food for the price of 12 bucks each!!! they had crab, prawns so many varieties of food after that we had ice-cream too!!! so fun... coe to think of it, it was my first time staying out so late and just going out with my friends. we even played pool at the end... though only some of us did. the rest went to the arcade. then i thought of giving a hand at playing pool and so i did. i tried at first but ended up missing the ball, second try almost. third... I got it. well, people say third times the charm...oh.. and since the place was so dark, cos it was at night, we took some pics with each other and it came out pretty scary... we took loads of pics... and i have yet to post them... oh yeah.... when i got home last night, i was too full i couldn't sleep. so... i ended up painting my nails and giving myself a D.I.Y manicure... it's not as nice as the pros... but i'm satisfied.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Someone to love and be loved

Someone to loved and be loved By J.C

Was it a dream?
I swore you were next to me
I felt your touch
The love you gave me
Was it all real?
I was always lonely and unloved
Then came one night
A cold snowy night
You took my hand
Led me home to where I belong
You stayed with me
Comforted me
Warmed me
I remember your smell
Like strawberries, so sweet
I fell asleep in your armes that night
When i awoke, you were gone
But I felt your love,
Your wamth
Now I know
There is someone who loves me
And I have someone to love.

A Guiding Hand

A Guiding Hand By J.C

I can only lead u a short distance
Here is where you walk alone.
I will be at the sidelines
Looking out for you.
Life is a journey only you can lead.
But i'll always be there to guide you through
Growing up seems easy
But things are not alwas as it seems
Phases you go throuh while growing up
Is quite a difficult task.
Some people have it easy
While some suffer in poverty
Treasure what you have
Live your life to the fullest
Lead your life as you want
But always remember
There will always be someone there to hold your hand
To guide you
To love you


Omg! exams are finally soon to be over!! AND! I"M HOOKED ON CCS AGAIN!!! SYAORAN!!! soooo HOT!!! i'm obsessing over hm again.... ony diff is that now... i like Touya too.... Man... just found out the voice actor for the jap version 4 him is the exact ame as shuichi from Gravi... sighs... oh... i slept at 4 a.m for the 1st time... which is actually no big deal seeing that i didn't sleep at all for two days straight not long ago...

Syaoran!!!! Omg.... *DROPS DEAD...* OKAY! last but not least... i was reading a fanfic just now and the authour wrote this poem and i thought it was nice... here it is.:

Your lips remind me of roses in bloom, soft and inviting.
Your eyes remind me of a rare jewel, just waiting to be discovered.
Your scent reminds me of a freshly baked treat, wanting to be devoured.
Your essence reminds me of an angel, pure and untainted.
Your innocence reminds me of a child, young and untouched.
Your love reminds me of who I am, a real man.
Your touch reminds me of what I am, a real man in love.
Your voice reminds me of where I am, a real man in love housed in your arms.
You remind me of something I can’t explain.
You remind me of how much I need you.

SWEET AIN'T IT? anyways gotta go... i've got some poems i wrote but i don't think it's all that good but i'll post it anyways..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


heya kids! just got back from cca camp. We had Hope walk - tracing the steps of our IJ sisters when they first set foot in singapore. It was so damn fun man!
we learned quite alot of things. It was a trip never to be forgotten.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

life is a bore...i'm just bored out of my mind poem or somethin like that.

i sit here bored,
nothing to do...
loveless from the start
everyday the same
tell me why?
life so boring,
why live it?
children run and play
adults work all day
teenagers go to school
same every single day
the cycle of life and death
some are happy to be alive
some wish to die
i live my life in a world of pain and loneliness
loveless, full of hate
fighting, scolding, beating.
i wish i was dead.
life to come to an end and start anew
but it would never happen.
my destiny is created
life should go as it should.
i can't change it, no one can.
all i do is live in dispair.
one last breath.
as i die,
the one word i long to say,
will never be said.
not in this lifetime.
the one thing i want to get,
will never be recieved.
all the fragments of my broken heart,
will be forgotten.
don't end up like me.
appreciate what you have.
'Love' everything and everyone you have.
while you can.
before it's too late.